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Services Explanation

We develop and provide Innovation Management & Capital Planning software as a service application.

System Description

Teams Ideas™ Innovation is a software as a service (SaaS) for managing the organization's innovation process, helping customers effectively organize, collaborate, and manage campaigns and ideas to turn them into proposals and projects with high-impact results.

Teams Ideas™ Capital Planning is a software as a service (SaaS) for managing capital expenditures, helping customers effectively organize, collaborate, manage, develop, prioritize, and approve capital expense requests, turning them into projects.

Key Service Commitments and System Requirements

We design our processes and procedures to protect customer data. Our security commitments are documented and communicated to customers in the Terms of Service, Agreements, addendums, in the description of the services provided online, or in other related agreements.

Our Security commitments include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Protect customer data
  • Use encryption for data transmission and storage
  • Restrict access to customer data

System components

The following section describes the system components that make up the Teams Ideas service.


Teams Ideas™ utilizes cloud computing service offerings, primarily from Microsoft Azure, as system resources. Microsoft Azure manages the security and physical compliance of the Datacenter that hosts computing infrastructure resources.

The security and compliance of the software and data residing on the cloud computing infrastructure is managed by us.

Please refer to the Shared Responsibility Model from Microsoft Azure: https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/azure/security/fundamentals/shared-responsibility

The network architecture is designed to be secure, scalable, and easily managed, utilizing geographically replicated databases, encrypted application services, secure storage, and vulnerability detection and analysis systems provided by Microsoft Azure.


The Teams Ideas service is a web-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. The services and components that make up the application are developed mainly in Dot Net and JavaScript (using React).


Teams Ideas maintains a set of policies that are published and communicated to employees and contractors. Policies are updated as necessary and are reviewed and approved.

The following policies are relevant to the scope of this report:

  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Access Control and Termination Policy
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Change Management Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Configuration and Asset Management Policy
  • Data Classification Policy
  • Data Retention and Disposal Policy
  • Encryption and Key Management Policy
  • Information Security Policy
  • Internal Control Policy
  • Network Security Policy
  • Performance Review Policy
  • Physical Security Policy
  • Risk Assessment and Treatment Policy
  • Secure Development Policy
  • Security Incident Response Plan
  • Vendor Management Policy
  • Vulnerability and Patch Management Policy

We require that all employees or contractors who provide services to us are aware of our security policies.

Our security policies and approach are documented and communicated to customers through our security statement https://teamsideas.com/en/securitypage.php.

We have established operational requirements to support the achievement of our security, availability, and confidentiality commitments, and other system requirements. Such requirements are communicated in our system policies and procedures, system design documentation, and contracts with customers. Information security policies define the organization-wide approach to how systems and data are protected.


Our processes and procedures are designed to protect your data. For the purposes of interpreting this report, consider two main categories of data:

Customer Data

“Customer data” is defined as information registered by a user when using our solutions, as shown in the examples below:

Teams Ideas Innovation: Registered campaigns, ideas created in the campaigns, attachments, completed questionnaires, and other similar content.

Teams Ideas Capital Planning: Proposals recorded (projects or requests), including data entered in sections such as the schedule, financial and expense plans, form and list-type questionnaires, attachments, among other important content. A business entity may generally consider this data to be the intellectual property of the business.

Customer Personal Data

We only collect customer’s personal data that is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the determined purpose, in order to give effect to the principles of necessity and purpose. Data that we understand to be excessive is eliminated (we apply the idea that the smaller the amount of data, the lower the risk).

We carry out recurring evaluations of the data collected, in order to analyze whether the customer’s need remains present for the purpose that originated its treatment.

We do not share, distribute, or reference any user data entered on the platform, except as indicated in the Agreement (contract name as per the Terms of Service), the Terms of Service, or as required by law.

Learn more by visiting our privacy notice

(407) 926-6814
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