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Capital Planning
What was complex, is now simple, collaborative, and continuous.
Teams Ideas Capital Planning is an easily configurable in solution designed to support the proposal intake, evaluation, and budgeting process for organizations of any size and segment.
Teams Ideas For Capital Planning Is Customizable In
Design, Branding, Workflows, Business Processes, Terminology, Permission Levels, and so much more!
Rapidly Register Proposals
Register new proposals quickly with your customizable registration form or use ideas that were discovered in the Innovation Management module. Don't lose time; start developing your business case the way you want with ease and agility!

Collaborate with Area Experts
Involve technical experts throughout the process to ensure that you have the knowledge you need through every step of the decision-making process.

Strategic Alignment
Guarantee that your Capex initiatives are aligned with your corporate strategy by establishing clear objectives and comparable investment prioritization criteria.

Simulation of Results
Ensure a clear financial vision with unlimited simulated scenarios that will help decipher the viability of your projects and whether to move them forward.

Have Proactive Insight
Track risks, physical and financial developments, resource allocation, and project health on a cohesive and interactive BI dashboard.
Customize almost every aspect from workflows, investment types, forms, fields, BI reports, design, and branding.
Secure Data
Teams Ideas uses Microsoft Azure to delivery outstanding reliability, availability, and security.
Teams Ideas is designed to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes and industries.
Teams Ideas is a cloud-based solution with an intuitive interface that can be accessed from anywhere.
Teams Ideas Capital Planning is Your Answer
Have confidence knowing that Teams Ideas is the solution to support your full capital planning process from business case development, collaboration of your experts for technical evaluation, portfolio analysis simulations, hierarchical committee approvals, and so much more!
(407) 926-6814
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